Kurdistan Regional GovernmentRepresentation in Italy

Rome, 11 June 2016
Mrs. Rezan Kader visit the headquarters of Music for Peace and participates in Che Festival

Today, Mrs. Rezan Kader went to visit the headquarters of Genoa of Music for Peace, an NGO founded in 2002 by the Chairman and Founder Stephen Rebora. The association, in charge of organizing and guiding humanitarian convoys in war zones, has now recorded 18 humanitarian missions abroad and important interventions on the Italian territory: the earthquake in Abruzzo to floods in Liguria.

Every year at the headquarters of the Association, is held Che Festival, a demonstration of solidarity which provides twelve days of theater, cabaret, concerts, workshops for children and young people, debates, sports tournaments, book presentations, ethnic and national cuisine, all at the cost of a packet of rice, a pencil, a box of patches, or an entire cart of expenditure due to availability of each.

At the end all the material collected will be redistributed personally by the Music for Peace volunteers, house by house, family by family, hospital to hospital, directly into the hands of the people, both here in Italy and through international cooperation missions in the territories of humanitarian emergencies.