Kurdistan Regional GovernmentRepresentation in Italy

Rome-10 Dic 2013
Bilateral meeting between the Min. Falah and Amb. Akil, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Italy

On December 10, the Ambassador Hakki Akil has made his visit to Minister Falah Mustafa, Head of the DFR of the KRG, on the occasion of his official visit to Italy.
The Minister Falah has updated the Ambassador on the internal political situation a few months after the election of September 21 that has seen a change of political balances. These elections were a great success for the great turnout but has not reached yet in the formation of a new government. In addition, the relations with Baghdad are always problematic in spite of the willingness of the Government of Erbil to comply with the federal constitution in the sharing of power and profits from the sale of petroleum and constitute a transparent system and collaboration with the central government with a view to a new Iraq and the forthcoming elections in 2014.
The Minister Falah congratulated with the Ambassador for the new leadership of Turkey in the figure of the Premier Erdogan, who has had the foresight to understand the importance of dialogue and to start the process of recognition of the rights of the Kurdish community in Turkey. The recent historic visit of the President Barzani in Turkey has marked a very important moment in the relations between Kurdistan and Turkey, which is one of the major trading partners of the Regional Government.